InOver EngineeringbyRebecca FranksGetting Started with Drawing on the Android Canvas 🖼Learn how to use the Android Canvas classJul 6, 20192Jul 6, 20192
Masoud FallahpourAndroid Loopers and Handlers DemystifiedIn this post, I’m going to talk about Loopers and Handlers in Android. Hopefully, after reading this post you’ll know when and how to use…Jan 5, 20221Jan 5, 20221
InDev GeniusbySaurabh KumarAndroid 104 : Do we really need Kotlin Coroutines?TLDR, Short answer, yes we do!May 29, 20221May 29, 20221
Kacper HreniakDagger Scopes — Let’s explain it simplyI present Dagger Scope in a very simple way and give you only necessary information required to explain how it works!Mar 18, 20198Mar 18, 20198
Alok BhartiDagger-android to Hilt Migration— A Successful AttemptCheckout how we migrated our codebase from dagger-android to hilt and how we resolved the obstacles that came along…Sep 6, 2021Sep 6, 2021
Saurabh KumarAndroid 101 : What does Dagger really generate behind the scenes 👀Why do we need to know what dagger does why can't we just use annotations and be happy with it? It looks magical to me and that's why I…Feb 13, 2022Feb 13, 2022
InGeek CulturebySaurabh KumarAndroid 102 : Why does dagger generate MembersInjector for us?Dagger generates a members-injector for classes @Inject applied to a field or a method.Mar 13, 2022Mar 13, 2022
InDev GeniusbySaurabh KumarAndroid 103 : How is constructor injection different from provides method in Dagger?In this article we will explore more about the dagger-generated code when we use @Provides method instead of constructor injection.Mar 26, 2022Mar 26, 2022