Week 7: GSoC with OpenMRS

Saurabh Kumar
2 min readJul 25, 2021

Still stuck on the deployment Issue I guess I will have to figure it out on my own and make some changes to the build.sh file so that the release build is not triggered while deploying on the jitpack library.

This week was mostly spent on trying to get the library deployed from the main repository instead of the makeshift one.

In addition I also worked on Issue pertaining to getting duplicate entries of providers inside the db. I found out that the onConflict clause in insertion for the RoomDB used the primary key (_id)as the distinguisher but the ids are generated locally and not present on the server, since the server uses uuids.

I fixed the Issue by checking for uuids instead of auto-generated Ids in local database while fetching from the server.

I tested the latest changes on the test application by deploying the library on jitpack and the test application works fine, I used getProviders method and observed the live data it returns which shows up in this small test application.

I have also updated my work progress in this GitHub repo below having records for progress made in each week :)

Next week, I will be trying to fiddle with the build.sh file and try and get the library deployed and though I have started documentation this week, i will add documentation to rest of the repository classes next week.

Happy weekend :)

